The White Light Meditation
06/15/2020The white light meditation practice is both positive but it is also spiritually charged. It is mainly a practice for people who are mediums and shamans. The fact that it has a bent towards New Age practice should tell you that you should only practice it if your beliefs align with this realm of thinking. Many psychics practice it to calm down the spiritual chatter when they are at the scene of an accident. They can sense the paranormal, and this technique is meant to guard them against negative forces and to recenter their being.
People who are into the spiritualistic realm practice this endeavor to ensure that they are attracting the right type of energy. They say that they attract a wide plethora of energy. They happen to be like a light in some senses when it’s in the dark. If you leave the light on at night, when you wake up, it will have moths around it. This is especially a potent analogy for those who have ever experienced country living. They wake up after a night of leaving an outside light on to around 30 moths or even 100. That’s exactly what a spiritualist is like. They attract being in the paranormal realm.
People who practice white light meditation should do it three times a day for at least 30 days. The reason they should go at it with this frequency is to help focus themselves on the practice. Later, those who are in tune with visualizations can skip a few days here and there. Additionally, the person should do it once when they awake and once before they go to sleep. The other times that you do the visualization in the day is optional.
There is a specific posture that will help you to meditate. Take your thumbs and index fingers and put them together in a circle. You have probably seen this pose before. It is an East Indian pose called mudra. In lab tests, they have shown that the pose physically relaxes you. It also puts the brain into a mild trance state.
Before you start any meditative practice, you should make sure that you’re in a room where you will not be disturbed. You should turn off your phone and relinquish all distractions in the area. That means you need to not have the TV going or your laptop if you often get notifications. Then, you should continue on into your meditation.
When you meditate, imagine a bright light. This bright light should invade your space. It can even be a cord coming out of you and filling up the room with bright white light. The meditation should help you to realize that you are safe and protected by the God-filled white light. You will not be harmed when you put your trust in the fact that God is protecting you. It can help to dissipate fear and anxiety.
When you meditate on what is good, you will not be so overwhelmed by the evil entities. These evil forces can be demons, but they can also be people with hateful intentions as well. You can come into a period of peacefulness amidst the horrors of the atrocities of life.
The reason that white light meditation is becoming so mainstream is that professionals are faced with terrible situations these days. If there weren’t so many horrific things going on in the world, then we wouldn’t need to have any sort of white light meditations. We would just be able to know that the world is mostly good.
In the chaos that is COVID and the racial and gender inequalities, there is a way to get over the bad events. We have been in our homes being mindful and others go to protests. No one can truly control the future, but there is a way to center yourself. You will be in a more calming arena when you simply find practices to focus on good again. The white light meditation, although not detached from spirituality, can give comfort to people whose beliefs align with the New Age movement. As a disclaimer, never let anyone force you to do these practices. Tell them you are uncomfortable and you will instead engage in your own spiritual practice in the time allotted.