Reading the Aura
06/21/2020Seeing the auras can be found. They can help with your spiritual and mental health. You do not have to be a psychic to read the aura and learn about their colors.
You will learn the 5 different methods for seeing the aura and reading it.
Aura Reading
Reading the Aura for Beginners
Most people do not have the technology needed to see the aura. A person does not have to go through life without learning the aura around them. They need to work a little harder to see it.
Seeing the aura without technology is going to take some practice. There are tips to make it easier.
Different viewpoint
This may seem a little confusing but with some explanation, it will be easy to understand.
Method 1 Sensing the Aura
Women may be able to sense a bad aura
To begin learning about auras it is important to learn how to sense them. You should pay attention to the way you feel when you are around someone. You should pay attention to your physical sensations and natural reactions. They may make you feel:
This about the color that you would attach to that person and the color used to describe their energy. The colors will become easier for you to know.
Method 2 Work on Peripheral Vision
Women have pretty eyes
The peripheral vision is the cells that are around the retina and it can be easier to use them to see the colors. You can concentrate on a specific spot for 45 seconds and then allow your eyes to ease away from the gaze.
Pay attention to any objects that were in your direct sight. When you do this do not stress or this will lead to anxiety. Keep your breathing normal while you focus. One this vision gets stronger you will be able to see the aura easily.
Method 3 Learning the Colors
The colors in the chakra
Color is very important in the aura. This is the part that is the easiest to see and to read. You need to look at the presence or the absence of the colors.
Reading and understanding the colors is not too difficult. There are some things that you will need. You will need the following:
A room with natural lighting
Bright colored construction paper
Some tape
You should tape the construction paper on the far wall in the room and then look for the aura colors and understand what they mean. You need to pay attention to how the colors make you feel. When you look at the paper you should pay close attention to the pale color it is casting off. This is the aura.
Method 4 Practice with a Friend
Practice on a good friend
You can start with other items but it is better to try to read people. You need to make your friend aware of what you are doing.
Your friend should sit 15 inches in front of you and you should be looking at a neutral colored wall.
You should look at the wall and not at your friend and see if you can pick up on their energy.
Look through the body and at the wall around them.
Ask the aura to show you the true colors. Pay attention to your vision and any colors that you may need to sense.
If you have been able to see the aura ask your fiend to move slowly. See if you can still see the colors of seeing if they have changed.
You may want to put on some music and see if their colors change at all.
Method 5 Try it on Yourself
Practice on reading your aura
Now that you have gotten some skill you should practice on yourself. This may be challenging but it will help improve your abilities.
Sit in a calm area and remove any distractions from your home.
Make sure you have the intention of reading your aura.
Active the energy by rubbing your hands together until they begin to feel magnetized.
Focus your attention on the colors around your palms. Do you see some energy? Do you get a sense of color?
Science Behind Aura Reading
There are different scientific methods used to measure aura. An aura is said to be an electromagnetic field that surrounds living things. It is said that they give off colors and these colors can be read analyzed. This will help you understand someone.
The electromagnetic area that surrounds living things gives off the presence of the person. This can be a reflection of their conscious activity and can be seen using the naked eye.
The aura can give off the light two or three feet in front of the person. This is often called the auric egg. This will give information about mood, personality, and even health. It is often read based on the color it gives off.
One of the most popular ways to see the aura is by Kirlian photography. The pictures are developed in a certain method to expose a person’s aura. The pictures are developed on the plate using high-frequency electric currents. They are passed through the plate to show the area during the development process.
If a person does not have this technology they can still learn to read the aura. They will need to learn the methods above to see it with the naked eye.
What the Colors of the Aura Mean
Here are the most common colors and their meanings.
This aura looks at the physical aspects of the world. These people like to express themselves and use their physical bodies. They live in the present, have courage, strength, have self-confidence, and have a zest for life. They can manipulate the environment around them. They have a tangible reality and they need to experience the world around them.
These people are thrill-seekers. They need the adrenaline rush and excitement. Orange likes to push the limits. They may put themselves in danger to feel like they are alive.
This is a rare color. This is the color for nonconformists and those that are different. They look at life differently and they are often artistic. They like the objects around them and like to use them in a new way. They do not follow the norms and they do their own thing.
These people are free spirits and they are fun-loving. They may be shy but they can also be the life of a party. They need to be able to connect with Mother Earth. They are sensitive and they like to bring joy to others, have fun, and heal the Earth.
Logical Tan
This is the light tan color and encircles the person. These people are logical and they need to process everything before making a decision. They are practical and reserved. They often do not share their feelings.
Environmental Tan
This color is often layered with a forest green and will help close the gap between mental and physical. People experience their world by touching things around them and thinking about this experience.
Sensitive Tan
This color connects the physical and emotional aspects of life. Tan may have a light blue band around it. These people have mental tan qualities along with blue traits.
Abstract Tan
These people are bright and curious. They focus on details but they can be in many directions at once. They are childlike and they are often friendly and outgoing.
These people are intelligent and powerful. They can process information quickly.
These people are supportive, nurturing, and loving. They live for their emotions. They teach and love. They like relationships and love. They want to help others and are nurses, teachers, and work in similar fields.
This are leaders, therapists, and teachers. They want to save the world. They want to help others around them including animals.
This is rare to ins. They are aura chameleons. They will take on the features of those around them. These people can also be sensitive.
This color loves fantasy and myths. They are sensitive and calm. They like to be around pretty and enchanting things rather than the harshness of reality.
This is a new energy color and wants harmony and peace. They want to educate others and want to be leaders.
Reading the Aura
Now that you know a little about the different colors you can begin your reading. You will also be able to read others to know if you want to be around them. This will allow you to have a happy and enlightened life.